Friday, February 6, 2009

Yes you can..........

....have a beautiful space! Even if it is a small cube. I think I have redecorated and re-redecorated my cube but am finally settled (for the time being). Here is my very cute letterpress calendar from Cat Seto. The months are the size of index cards and fit into a tiny wooden cube. You can even mail it back to be recycled and save 10% next year. The real question is do the carbon emissions from the truck driving the letter to be recycled make it worth it? Is the electricity to produce the stamp to mail it back offset by the recycling. Oh well, it's the thought that counts.

Everyone is going green.

I have finally found a lamp thanks to Urban Outfitters, the fantastic sister store of Anthropologie offers lower cost funky, urban (for lack of a better term), retro items to stock your closet and decorate your abode with. I bought the silver base and the foiled shade to match. It definitely brightens up my cube and you don't even have to leave the light on. I also put a mirror behind everything so that it brightens the space and makes it more open.

The "If then" that is framed is very apropos much like a statement at the beginning of a geometric proof...e.g "If the triangle has two or more sides equal in length then it is an equilateral triangle." or something like that. I framed two vintage flashcards in a perfect frame I found at Michael's. This as become quite the conversation piece at work. A simple statement sometimes leaving people with quite the quandary.
There is also a framed cooking with electricity cookbook....yes I work for an electrical utility and thanks to my mom I have a growing collection of vintage things relating to my job. These are framed black and white photos de objet....they are letters representing my initials, and to top it all off the "t" is a power line. You can also see the vintage cloche. I desperately need to find something to fill this and my apothecary jars with.
This is an article published in a magazine from 1952. The second photo is of my mom as a baby and her parents, my grandparents. It describes the benefits and "moder conveniences" electricity provides. If only advertising was this simple today, but we may be able to learn something from the past after all history does repeat itself. Look carefully at the photo layout the photographer carefully incorporated all the electrical appliances into the photo--the lamp, TV, sewing many items can you find. Judging by this photo I think I'm in the right field.
Look at these photos. At the office all the "old" photos which I like to refer to as vintage were being thrown out. I salvaged all the photos with the help of my partner in crime and affixed them to the top of my shelves.

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