Monday, August 30, 2010

Give me novocaine....

Horrors--a week ago my dentist informed me I had my very first cavity. My heart sank and I could not fathom that I really had one. I wanted to go back in time and brush my teeth eight times a day, but the damage was done and it was irreversible. I was in line for my very first filling and I admit I was nervous about it. Today I sat waiting in the dreaded chair for fifteen minutes nervously staring out the window wondering what was about to happen. I psyched myself up and tears welled up.....waiting....just waiting....Finally the doc stepped in. Trying to calm my nerves he started talking about what I did for a living and commented on the fact that I would make an excellent ball room dancer due to my height (random). He began the procedure and injected me with the longest (in length and time) shot I have ever received. It did not hurt. The doc asked if I was tingly. I said I was, then the drilling commenced. Oh goodness, I was not numb. He stopped and re-injected me. Two shots down and I laid back for the drilling listening to him and his assistant exchange a slur of dental speak, apply the porcelain to my tooth, shape it and dry it with a UV light. Finally I was done.....and so was my mouth. Numb did not begin to describe it. Yes, I was worried I would not regain consciousness. Two hours later I was parched and I tried to down a Diet Coke...but it was not in the cards until five and a half hours later that I regained feeling in my mouth and tongue. I'd say the shot(s) worked! Thought for the day: Brush those teethies!! In honor of my experience here's some Green Day to lighten the mood and drain the pressure from the swelling....

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